


Pete Iannetta

Project Coordinator
Universidade Católica Portuguesa – Porto

Pete is a plant biologist and ecologist, who studies the complex interactions which determine the sustainability of food- and feed-systems, including those of the brewing, distilling and aquaculture industries. His research is strongly focused on legume-supported cropped systems, from production to consumption. This includes developing the use of underutilised crops and novel cropped systems, plus the implementation of additional innovations beyond the farm-gate that encourage greater resource use efficiency, improved ecosystem functions, and realisation of circular economies. To facilitate this, Pete develops and exploits various system-function and -accounting tools from the genetics and genomics of plant growth promoting microbes and the soil microbiome, to tools which are ‘data driven’ – such as agri-food system modelling, including Life Cycle Analysis. He works very closely with a wide range of industry and applied-science stakeholders, and provides extension services to value-chain actors, including policymakers

Fanny Tran

Project Manager
The James LegumES Institute, UK

Fanny has developed her career as Research Project’s Manager, and boats over 10 of successful experience implementing the administrative and scientific aspects of mainly interdisciplinary and multi-actor projects funded by the EC. These are mainly research, innovation, and mobility programmes such as Marie-Curie Initial Training Networks, plus Horizon-2020 and -Europe initiatives. Fanny also plays a pivotal role securing new sources of funding, and enjoys adding value to engagement, participatory, and outreach activities regarding sustainable food systems – and especially where this involves working with local and youth communities.

Marta Vasconcelos

Deputy Coordinator
Universidade Católica Portuguesa – Porto

Marta is a professor at the Faculty of Biotechnology at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa in Porto with a long and successful track record in coordination and participation in projects dealing with crop diversification, value chains, plant nutrition, and food systems.

principal investigators

The James Hutton Institute

The James Hutton Institute offer world-leading scientific solutions for the sustainable management of land, crop and natural resources that support thriving communities.

steering board

Roger Vickers

Chief Executive
Processors and Growers Research Organisation, UK

Experienced Chief Executive Officer with a demonstrated history of working in the seed and food production industry.

David Styles

Associate Professor in agri-sustainability
University of Galway, Ireland

Dave’s research is focused on understanding (inter-)system sustainability at all levels, with expertise across food, energy, bioproduct and waste management systems based on almost 20 years of experience undertaking life cycle assessment (LCA).

John Finn

Research Officer
Teagasc, Ireland

John works at the interface between agriculture and biodiversity. He is very interested in the design and assessment of farmland management practices that can improve biodiversity, including results-based payments. He investigates various methods to improve knowledge of the distribution and extent of farmland habitats on High Nature Value farmland as well as more intensive farming systems. He is also developing methods to better include farmland habitats in assessments of agricultural sustainability.

Work Package Leaders